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♥ . Secret Venting. ♥

Hello Fellow Traveller :)

Before we begin:

I came up with the Secret Venting process during a part of my life where I was exploring the possibility of creating a pain free natural childbirthing experience for myself, which was back in 2003. Secret Venting proved to be a phenomenal tool that worked so well that I still include in the ecourse that I wrote, so that other women can achieve painless natural birth for themselves.

I have since discovered that the Secret Venting process is so much more useful, and for so many things, than I could have imagined at the time. So I'm sharing it with you, and I hope it works as powerfully for you here, now, as it has done for me. (And I still use it occasionally to this day.).

Now there is nothing wrong with venting to another trusted soul in this world, if that is what you're called to do. And if you feel safe in doing so. But some just don't have anyone that can be trusted on that level, or we'd rather just not put that negativity out into the world at all, (After all we are all creators on every level!). And, sometimes, that 'other person' might actually be a 'part of the problem' that you are perceiving..

So, this is where Secret Venting comes into play. It is simply an honest conversation with yourself, so you can sort shit out using your brain to shift your energy instead of causing pain to shift it.

Anyway, You may now enjoy access to this Secret Venting process, any time you want, for free. There are no strings attached, and no sign ups needed.  All you need is you, a little time, and a willingness to be as honest with yourself as you possibly can be. I hope you'll find it useful, helpful, and empowering too. And, remember to return here anytime you ever need to...


Click here if you’ve been here before, you know what you’re doing, and you just want to ‘get on with it’. But, if you’re new to this, or need a refresher, it will serve you best if you read the entire page before you begin.


Are you feeling….
… Frustrated?
… Angry?
… Scared?
… Powerless?
… Any other unwanted feelings?

Are you…
… Worried about something?
… Ready to begin creating something better?
… Ready to begin connecting with your soul qualities more fully?

Do you…
… Need to work something out?
… Need to safely release something locked inside?
… Need to make space in your energy for improvements, or finding some ‘better way’?

If your answer is yes to any of the above, or if you have your own similar need to shift some energy that you feel is blocking your connection to soul, then Secret Venting may be of help to you.


Secret Venting…

Secret Venting is a two part process that is a powerful way to help you find relief from any, or all, of the above, to shift your energy on the topics 'causing' those things to surface, and for creating space so you can make room for improvements, and empowering you to begin to move beyond them.

♥ During the first phase, you simply put words and emotions to what you are feeling, and why, so you can get them out of you.

♥ And during the second phase, you switch your focus from them, and what they did, or away from whatever outside influence that made you feel ‘that way’, and on to you and how you want things to be, and how you want to feel from now on.


Before you begin the Secret Venting process, it might be helpful for you to know…

We are all energy, we are all energy translators, and energy based creators.  We all have our own energies to deal with, to manage, and to create with.  Energy translation is picked up by you through intuitive feelings and emotion, and when our lives are cluttered with too many emotions that we are not happy feeling, then we block our connection to soul, and its innate qualities of love, freedom, joy, and wellbeing.  And when we block our connection too these qualities within ourselves, be begin to create diminished experiences of them in our lives.  Then we don’t feel so good, we don’t live so well, and we don’t love to our fullest capacity.

During the Secret Venting process, all of your thoughts and feelings are acceptable, and they must be ‘allowed’ if you wish to gain the truest feedback from your own energy, so you can get the clearest picture of what you are working with, and where want to go from here.  Whatever thoughts and feelings you experience during this process don’t have to mean anything other than being an indicator of your own, temporary, energetic state, unless YOU decide to take them further than this process allows.

If you are Secret Venting about a person, or another’s actions, it’s best to pretend that you are talking directly to them during the venting phase of this exercise, and say whatever you want to say; without censorship!  You can ask them to change as you are doing this exercise, but don’t expect them to actually do so in real life. This process embodies self-empowerment, it's not a way to manipulate or control others.

You may not even really believe all of the stuff that you're about to write at any other time, but during the moments that you are actually ‘Secret Venting’, and by allowing yourself to say what you need to in any way that you need to, you are simply adopting a more healthy way for you to release anything that is building within you before it becomes more of a problem for you. 

This will not make you disloyal, or a bad friend/wife/husband/mother/father/son/daughter/person, or whatever else you might think you might be if you do this without censoring yourself.  As long as you do this in secret, and the results aren’t ever revealed to anyone but you, this is a totally safe way for you to release any energy or emotion that you don’t want to hang on to.

And don't wait for ‘them’ to change before you allow yourself to start feeling better either! Begin to take back your power by taking charge of how you feel, starting now!

♥ This process works best if you complete it fully, and with as much detail as possible.

♥ It is most powerful when you are able to be 100% honest with yourself.

♥ This is a safe place for you to acknowledge, process, and vent your truest feelings, without judgement, without ‘Should’s and ‘Should Not’s, and without criticism from others.

Secret Venting is a healthy way for you to express yourself fully without creating consequences in the ‘real world’ that you’d rather not have to deal with later on.

♥ Never overdo this process in one sitting.  You are not meant to shed too much too soon, and only go as deeply as you can comfortably handle.  You will be guided to the gentlest, most effective ways to dive deeper if you need to, and if you allow yourself the time and space for this to happen. This may inspire you to return to this process at a later date, or it may lead you on to another step somewhere else.  Whatever feels right and easiest for you, is the way to go.

♥ Sometimes you need to shift a little of something you’ve got going in your energy now, and step back a bit so you can have more control over creating your journey ahead.  So, as you ‘don’t overdo it’, pay attention to how you feel for indications that you have Secret Vented enough for now, and move onto phase two, and come back to it later if you’re called to.

♥ Nothing is saved, or sent anywhere when you click the button to ‘Release’ the energy you are cleaning up. You are in effect writing the crap out of you, and deleting it when you’re ready. If you do require a copy of what you write, which I generally, do not recommend you do, then you will need to copy and paste your work to a file on your computer before clicking any button.


If you have any comments or questions, you can contact me through my blog; Here!

HighwayForSouls.com is my central hub for all of my work and online presence, so, please, take a look around, explore, have fun, and perhaps even buy something along the way.  :)

If you would like to subscribe to my Newsletter, then you can do so by Clicking Here! If you'd like to connect on social media, please see my 'Connect' page.


And, FINALLY... Please click here when you’re ready to begin the Secret Venting process.


With as much love and joy as possible, always…

